Showing posts with label essays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label essays. Show all posts


On the evolutionary origin of reasoning

Biological anthropologists generally agree that humans evolved reasoning to facilitate hunting together as a group; however, there are many other species that hunt in packs, and yet reasoning is unique to humans. Therefore, in order to explain reasoning, it is not enough to consider how it was beneficial to us; we also need to consider what enabled reasoning to emerge specifically in humans as opposed to any other species.

I have a hypothesis which attempts to explain how this happened.


Continuous Code Quality Improvement

While working on code in the context of a certain task, a programmer often discovers some preexisting quality issue. When this happens, there is a choice to be made:

  • Fix the quality issue on the spot, and commit the fix in the context of the task at hand; or:
  • Only make changes that are strictly necessary for the task at hand, and introduce a separate task for fixing the quality issue.

The 'gay gene' paradox

What causes homosexuality? The predominant understanding is that the causes are genetic, but this seems to be in conflict with the notion of natural selection: an individual who does not reproduce is a dead-end for the genes that they carry; therefore, the 'gay gene' should have gone extinct. A number of hypotheses have been proposed, attempting to resolve this paradox, but they are not very convincing. In this post I present a couple of my own hypotheses, which I believe do a better job at resolving the paradox.


On preferred pronouns

It is becoming customary in western societies to ask people in various settings to state their preferred pronouns. It started among younger people of the particularly woke persuasion, and it is spreading everywhere. When I find myself in such a setting, I do of course go along, because doing otherwise would be awkward, but I hope that it is only a fad which will eventually go away. While waiting to see how it pans out, let me describe a few issues I have with it.


Trees of Eternity

This band has been haunting me for the past days. I feel compelled to write about it. This post will be completely different from the kind of posts you normally see on this blog.

While going through some random playlist on YouTube I stumbled upon this band that I immediately took a liking to, which is something that does not happen often. When I tried to find out a bit more information about them, what I discovered wrecked me.