
On Moore's "Law"

It is not a law.

It never was a law.

An observation is all that it ever was, or a prediction, but not a law.

And surprise, it does not hold anymore.  

The prophecy was false, after all.

I am appalled by the entire industry's willingness to accept it being called a law, when it was clearly failing to meet the criteria for a law.  

I remember, when I heard the term for the first time, as a child, I felt there was something wrong about it; there was an objection inside of me wanting to get out, but I knew that no one around me cared to debate this, or had suitable intellect to debate this. 

So, I remained silent, and I accepted the term, but only provisionally, under the excuse of poetic license, as a statement patently employing absurdity in order to impress.

And now the time has come that it does not impress anymore. 

Cover photo by Maxence Pira on Unsplash 

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