
Researching mp3 cover art downloaders

So, I have this huge mp3 collection that is mostly missing cover art.  I embarked on a quest to add cover art to each mp3 file, and before long I realized that I need some software to help me with it.  Here I am documenting my findings.


Rooting my Android Phone

In this post I am documenting the process of rooting my Samsung Galaxy Note 4. It should work on the majority of Android phones out there.


Solved: Windows Explorer shows generic thumbnails instead of embedded album art for music (mp3) files

I have a large number of mp3 files, all of them with embedded album art, but when viewing them via  Windows Explorer, I see generic music file icons instead of album art thumbnails.

Generic music icons.  Ugh.

I spent a good couple of hours troubleshooting this problem, so I would like to document the solution for anyone who happens to go through the same pain.


Confucius on naming

There is a Chinese proverb which states:

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.

This proverb is generally understood to be a summarization and paraphrase of an actual quote from the  "Rectification of Names" section of the Analects of Confucius.  (See Wikipedia - Rectification of names)


GitHub project: mikenakis-rumination

This project has been retired. The github link does not even work anymore. 
This page only serves historical documentation purposes.

Making plain old java objects aware of their own mutations.

The mikenakis-rumination logo.
Based on original from free-illustrations.gatag.net
Used under CC BY License.


GitHub project: mikenakis-testana

A command-line utility for running tests by order of dependency and for only running tests that actually need to run.

The mikenakis-testana logo, profile of a crash test dummy by Mike Nakis
Used under CC BY License.


GitHub project: mikenakis-classdump

A command-line utility for dumping the contents of class files.

The mikenakis-classdump logo.
Based on an image found on the interwebz.