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Making plain old java objects aware of their own mutations.

The mikenakis-rumination logo.
Based on original from
Used under CC BY License.
What is mikenakis-rumination?
`mikenakis-rumination` is a java agent and associated class library for making plain old java objects aware of their own mutations.
Rumination is a term that I have coined to refer to the ability of an object to be aware of mutations on itself.
Rumination is important because it is the first step in making objects observable: Once an object is aware of changes to its own state, it can then offer means by which external observers can register to receive notifications about these changes. Rumination is not concerned with observability, it is only concerned with the narrow concept of self-mutation-awareness.
The goal of rumination is to have some overridable method of an object invoked each time one of the setters of the object alters some piece of the state of the object. One can achieve this manually, by hand-coding an invocation to the overridable from within each setter, but that is tedious and error-prone. The idea behind rumination is to systematize this process, so that the overridable gets invoked automatically, without us having to write any additional code.
The dictionary offers two meanings for the word ruminate:
- One is "to chew the cud, as a ruminant", and it relates to the overridable being invoked to re-process a value which has already been received by a setter, so it is like eating one's own food once again. (And hence the goat in the logo.)
- The other meaning is "to meditate or muse; ponder" which is also applicable, because the process is introspective in nature.
A class is a ruminant if it is marked with the `@Ruminant` annotation, or if it is a descendant of a ruminant. This means that you only have to mark a certain base class as a ruminant, and then all of its descendants will automatically be ruminants without the need to add the `@Ruminant` annotation to each one of them.
The rumination processor examines ruminant classes for setters. A setter is a method which is of `void` return type, has a name starting with `set` and followed by the name of an existing instance field, accepts only one parameter which is of the same type as the instance field, and ends with a sequence of bytecode instructions that store the value of the parameter into the field before returning. (I am only looking for these instructions at the end of the setter in order to allow for validation prologue.)
The rumination processor will replace those last bytecode instructions of the setter with bytecode instructions that do the following:
- Check whether the new value is same as the current value of the field; if so, return without doing anything.
- Store the new value into the field;
- Invoke the ruminator method, passing it the name of the field.
- return.
protected void onMemberChanged( String fieldName )
The `@Ruminant` annotation accepts an optional `String ruminatorMethodName()` parameter, whose default is `"onMemberChanged"`, so the name of the ruminator method can be changed.
The field is identified by name, because java does not (yet?) support field literals.
To see how rumination is used, check out the tests.
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This creative work is explicitly published under No License. This means that I remain the exclusive copyright holder of this creative work, and you may not do anything with it other than view its source code and admire it. More information here: - Open Source but No License.
If you would like to do anything more with this creative work, please contact me.
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