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The question received 14 answers before it was closed.Is my mentor's concern for code quality excessive? [closed]
Score: 75 (79 upvotes, 4 downvotes) Favorites: 28
To tell you a little about myself: I'm a newbie programmer working internships and learning a lot from experienced programmers. I can't believe I used to think I was good in college.
The one I'm doing right now is pretty great due to the amount of time and resources that the company is putting into helping and mentoring me and another intern. I'm learning a whole lot and for the first time, I feel like I get close to being competent.
The only "problem" are the massive code quality concerns of one of my mentors. It's to the point that anything takes a whole lot of time because I have to find the best way to do it or else it's a waste of time. It also feels like my creativity doesn't matter because there is only one right way to do everything. I don't mind any of this at all but I wonder, and this is mainly what I'm asking, if it's normal in the industry.
Also, when I get assigned a little feature and this guy reviews my code, he actually reviews the whole codebase I'm working on, pointing out loads of mistakes, most of them from before I was even hired. I have spent this whole week fixing code (that worked) written by their full-time programmers, even some things that are best practice according to other mentors.
Tags: [javascript] [web-development] [programming-practices] [object-oriented-design]
asked Jun 11 2015 at 18:51 by CyborgFish
Is it compatible at the SQL syntax level?No way to find out other than to try it. So, let's try it.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanServer\Parameters2. Create a new DWORD, name it AutoShareWks, and leave the default value of 0.
net user administrator /active:yes
netsh wlan show profile3. In the list of wireless profiles that are displayed, locate the one you want, and copy its name to the clipboard.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run5. Add a string value to this registry key. Name it anything you like, and give it the following value:
%comspec% /c netsh wlan connect name="<profile name>"Voila, next time you restart, your computer will immediately connect to this WiFi spot if it is in range.