
C# Blooper №14: Weird / annoying interface method visibility rules.

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As it turns out, an explicit interface method implementation in C# must be tied to the base-most interface to which it belongs; it cannot be tied to a descendant interface.

namespace Test14
    class Test
        interface A
            void F();

        interface B: A

        class C: B
            void A.F() //OK

            void B.F() //error CS0539: 'B.F' in explicit interface declaration is not a member of interface

Well, sorry, but... it is.



C# Blooper №13: Stack and Queue do not implement ICollection

Before reading any further, please read the disclaimer.

This is a blooper of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), not of the language itself: Stack<T> and Queue<T> derive from ICollection, but not from ICollection<T>, so they do not support the Remove( T ) method! Why, oh why?
